Su-Hua Lee

  • Name: Su-Hua LEE
  • Title: Professor
  • Education: Ph.D, College of Law, NTU
  • Tel: 3366-8702
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Research Interests: Su-Hua Lee is professor in law and affiliate professor in the School of Pharmacy. She received her Bachelor of Laws from National Taipei University and Master of Laws (Magister iuris comparativi, M. iur. Comp.) from Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, and earned the Doctor of Laws (PhD) from National Taiwan University in 2006. Being scholarship holders of the German DAAD Program for PhD students and MPI (Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition) in Munich, she was visiting researcher in MPI from 2005 to 2007. Lee has been Professor of Law at National Taiwan University since 2016 and previously served on law faculties at National Tsing Hua University and National Taipei University. Over the years, she has published articles in various journals in Chinese as well as in English. Lee conducted research projects funded by public and private sectors. From 2015 she leads a research team to help the government to draft the bill of drug approval-patent linkage (patent linkage). Lee is member of governmental expert groups relating to intellectual property and pharmaceutical affairs. She participates in Asian academic groups focusing on current and emerging issues of Asian intellectual property laws.
  • Research Interests: Intellectual Property, Intellectual Property Protection for Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology, Competition Law, Civil Law (contract and torts)
  • Courses: Intellectual Property, Intellectual Property Protection for Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology, Civil Law (contract and torts)


JOURNAL PAPERS  Date   pages  
Copyright Protection of Artistic Crafts and Functional Creations, Taiwan Jurist, Vol. 259, pp. 32-35 (美術工藝品及實用功能性創作之著作權保護,月旦法學教室,259期,頁32-35) 2024 32-35
Jasmine Hsiao & Su-Hua Lee, Limitations on Defining the Nature of Artist Contract: Focusing on Cases Laws in Taiwan, Formosan Jurist, Vol. 33, pp. 90-104 (藝人契約定性為典型契約之侷限-從我國判決實務談起,台灣法律人,33期,頁90-104) 2024 90-104
Patent Issues Relating to the Establishment of Biotech and Pharmaceutical Industry, Formosan Jurist, Vol. 31, pp. 72-84 (CDMO生技醫藥公司及藥物出口產業涉及之專利權議題,台灣法律人,31期,頁72-84) 2024 72-84
Unfair Competition Issues Relating to the Internet Marketing: From the Perspective of the Taipei District Court’s Decision, Contemporary Law Journal, Vol. 23, pp. 89-97 (網路行銷之不公平競爭行為:以臺北地方法院111年度重訴字第1065號民事判決為例,當代法律,23卷,頁89-97) 2023 89-97
Su-Hua Lee, Roger Chang, Patent Term Extension in the Pharmaceutical Sector and the Recent Development in the Judicial Practice in Taiwan, Taiwan Law Review, Vol. 339, pp. 144-164 (藥品專利權期間延長之立法目的及其落實─從新近實務爭議談起,月旦法學,339期,頁144-164) 2023 144-164
The Calculation of Damages of Intellectual Property Infringement: The Application of Reasonable Royalty, Contemporary Law Journal, Vol. 19, pp. 99-106 (智慧財產權侵害之損害計算:「合理權利金法」之概念及適用,當代法律,19卷,頁99-106) 2023 99-106
The Difference Theory and the Compensation of Intellectual Property Infringement, Contemporary Law Journal, Vol. 17, pp. 145-150 (「差額說」無法適用於智慧財產權侵害之「損害」概念,當代法律,17卷,頁145-150) 2023 145-150
Jing-Yuan Chiou, Chia-Wen Chen, Su-Hua Lee & Yun-Ting Tsai, Economic Analysis of a Multi-Sided Platform Business for Competition Law: Market Characteristics, Pricing Schemes and Their Policy Implications, Fair Trade Quarterly, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 81-145 (邱敬淵、陳嘉雯、李素華、蔡昀廷,競爭法多邊平臺經濟分析之研究-價格策略及其對競爭之影響,公平交易季刊,31卷2期,頁81-145,TSSCI) 2023 81-145
The Requirement of Inventive Step under the Patent Act: From the Perspective of Supreme Court Decision in Taiwan, Formosan Jurist, Vol. 21, pp. 65-87 (從最高行政法院及最高法院之新近判決再論專利權之進步性判斷,台灣法律人,21期,頁65-87) 2023 65-87
The Importance of Injunctive Relief: From the Comparative Perspective of the Amendment of German Patent Act, Taiwan Law Review, Vol. 334, pp. 165-191 (從德國新近之專利法修正談除去及防止侵害請求權對於實現專利權價值之重要性,月旦法學,334期,頁165-191) 2023 165-191
Challenge of Enforcing Trademark Right in Taiwan: Some Observations from the Cases Relating to URL Redirection and Hashtag, Intellectual Property Right Journal, Vol. 291, pp. 65-88 (從網域名稱轉址(URL Redirection)及主題標籤(hashtag)論臺灣商標權之權利行使障礙,智慧財產權月刊,291期,頁65-88) 2023 65-88
Innovation and the Ecosystem of Intellectual Property, Contemporary Law Journal, Vol. 13, pp. 108-116 (創新研發與智慧財產權之生態系統(Ecosystem),當代法律,13期,頁108-116) 2023 108-116
IP Waiver and Compulsory Licensing in Term of Dealing with Public Health Crisis, Formosan Jurist, Vol. 17, pp. 71-88 (以IP Waiver或強制授權解決公共衛生危機的迷思,台灣法律人,17期,頁71-88) 2022 71-88
Reverse Engineering and the Requirement of Secrecy under the Trade Secret Act, Contemporary Law Journal, Vol. 9, pp. 117-123 (「還原工程」與營業秘密之「秘密性」要件判斷,當代法律,9期,頁117-123) 2022 117-123
Doctrine of Equivalents and the Prosecution History Estoppel, Intellectual Property Right Journal, Vol. 277, pp. 60-79 (均等侵權判斷下之申請歷史禁反言,智慧財產權月刊,277期,頁60-79) 2022 60-79
Issues of Introducing the Invalidation Trial Procedures of Patent Law in Taiwan, Taiwan Law Review, Vol. 320, pp. 25-42 (初探專利法修正草案之兩造對審制,月旦法學雜誌,320期,頁25-42) 2022 25-42
Study on the Establishment of Design Patent Infringement in Taiwan: From the Comparative Perspective of German Laws, National Taiwan University Law Journal, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 1639-1723 (我國設計專利侵權判斷方法論之檢討:以整體觀察法及德國立法例為比較初探,臺大法學論叢,50卷4期,頁1639-1723,TSSCI) 2021 1639-1723
he Concept of “Damage” Resulting from the Intellectual Property Infringement: From the Perspective of the Supreme Court Decision in Taiwan, Taiwan Law Review, Vol. 317, pp. 169-180 (再論智慧財產權侵害之「損害」概念─評最高法院107年度台上字第2359號民事判決,月旦法學,317期,頁169-180) 2021 169-180
Jing-Yuan Chiou, Su-Hua Lee & I-Ping Wang, Adjudicating Technical Cases, Taiwan Economic Review, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 497-532 (邱敬淵、李素華、王怡蘋,Adjudicating Technical Cases, 經濟論文叢刊,49輯4期,頁497-532,TSSCI) 2021 497-532
Protection on Trade Dress under the Intellectual Property Laws and Fair Trade Act, FT Law Review, Vol. 238, pp. 2-14 (智慧財產權與公平交易法關於產業設計之保護,萬國法律,238期,頁2-14) 2021 2-14
Intellectual Property Policy in Taiwan: From the Viewpoint of Repair Claus, Taiwan Science & Technology Law Journal, Vol. 2, pp. 39-72 (從設計專利「維修免責條款」立法提案談專利制度之功能與我國之智慧財產權政策方向,臺灣科技法學叢刊,2期,頁39-72) 2021 39-72
Study on the Patent Protection for the Industrial Design in Taiwan: From the Comparative Perspective of German and Community Design, National Taiwan University Law Journal, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 475-551 (我國設計專利保護制度之檢討:以德國及歐盟立法例為比較初探,臺大法學論叢,50卷2期,頁475-551,TSSCI) 2021 475-551
Protection on Industrial Design and the Enforcement of Design Patent: From the Viewpoint of the Repair Clause and the Recent Case in Taiwan, Taiwan Patent Attorneys Journal, Vol. 44, pp. 96-121 (設計專利權保護與權利行使-從維修免責條款之立法提案與新近訴訟案談起,專利師季刊,44期,頁96-121) 2021 96-121
The Scope of Patent Right and the Equivalent Infringement: From the Viewpoint of German Law, Taiwan Law Review, Vol. 304, pp. 15-35 (專利權範圍與均等侵權之理論基礎─以德國法為比較初探,月旦法學,304期,頁15-35) 2020 15-35
Jing-Yuan Chiou, Su-Hua Lee, The Economics and Competition Policy of Exclusive Dealing and Foreclosure: The Case of the Wholesale Market, Fair Trade Quarterly, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 83-118 (邱敬淵、李素華,競爭法下市場封鎖經濟效果之研究-批發市場的獨家交易,公平交易季刊,28卷3期,頁83-118,TSSCI) 2020 83-118
Study on the Patent Litigation in the USA and Taiwan: Focusing on the Interaction Among Invalidation and Amendment Proceedings and Infringement Lawsuit, National Taiwan University Law Journal, Vol. 49, No. 2, p. 477-558 (從美國立法例檢討我國之專利爭訟制度:以侵權訴訟、舉發撤銷與更正之交錯為中心,臺大法學論叢,49卷2期,頁477-558,TSSCI) 2020 477-558
R&D and Access to Pharmaceuticals: From the Viewpoint of Patent Linkage and Data Exclusivity in Taiwan, Angel Health Law Review, Vol. 38, pp. 7-19 (藥品研發與近用─從藥事法專利連結專章及資料專屬權談起,月旦醫事法報告,38期,頁7-19) 2019 7-19 
Jing-Yuan Chiou, Su-Hua Lee, The Economics and Competition Policy of Vertical Foreclosure, Fair Trade Quarterly, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 157-210 (邱敬淵、李素華市場封鎖經濟效果之研究-以競爭法規範下之垂直封鎖為中心公平交易季刊274期,TSSCI) 2019 157-210
Evidence Collection in Intellectual Property Infringement Suits: From the Viewpoint of German Laws, Taiwan Law Review, Vol. 293, pp. 189-210 (智慧財產訴訟之文書提出義務──以德國專利侵權訴訟之證據開示請求權及智慧財產法院103年度民專訴字第66號民事判決為中心月旦法學293) 2019 189-210
Perpetuation of Evidence and Evidence Collection in Patent and Trade Secret Infringement Suits: From the Perspective of the IP Court's Decision 2016 Min Shang Shang Zi No. 36, FT Law Review, Vol. 226, pp. 18-26 (從智慧財產法院 105 年度民商訴字第 36 號民事判決談專利及營業秘密訴訟之證據保全與證據開示萬國法律226) 2019 18-26
Observation and Review of the Patent Infringement Suits in Taiwan: From the Perspective of the „Ecosystem“ of Intellectual Property Legal Service, Taiwan Law Review, Vol. 289, pp. 124-146 (臺灣專利侵權訴訟之實務現況崩壞與亟待重生的智慧財產生態系統Ecosystem),月旦法學289) 2019 124-146
Restitution of Unjust Enrichment in Patent Infringement and Reasonable Royalty, FT Law Review, Vol. 224, pp. 85-97 (專利侵權訴訟之不當得利請求權與合理權利金萬國法律雜誌224) 2019 85-97
Jing-Yuan Chiou, Su-Hua Lee, The Economics and Competition Policy of Exclusive Dealing and Foreclosure, Fair Trade Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 165-212 (邱敬淵、李素華競爭法下市場封鎖經濟效果之研究-獨家交易公平交易季刊264期,TSSCI) 2018 165-212
Jing-Yuan Chiou, Su-Hua Lee, The Economics and Competition Policy of Tying and Foreclosure, Fair Trade Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 121-171 (邱敬淵、李素華,競爭法下市場封鎖經濟效果之研究-搭售,公平交易季刊,263期,TSSCI) 2018 121-171
A Study on Indirect Patent Infringement: A Commentary on the IP Court's Decision, Cross-Strait Law Review, Vol. 60, pp. 90-170 (專利間接侵權制度-評智慧財產法院103年度民專上更(一)字第4號民事判決,月旦民商法雜誌,60) 2018 90-107
A Commentary on Qualcomm Antitrust Case in Taiwan, Taiwan Law Review, Vol. 275, pp. 111-121 (公平會高通公司處分案之簡評與省思,月旦法學,275) 2018 111-121
A Study on the Concept of „Damage“ in Intellectual Property Infringement Suits: A Commentary on the IP Court's Decision, Taiwan Law Review, Vol. 263, pp. 167-191 (智慧財產侵害之「損害發生」與損害賠償法制建構-從智慧財產法院97年度民專訴字第47號民事判決談起,月旦法學,263) 2017 167-191
The Interplay between Infringement and Revocation Proceedings for Patent Rights in Taiwan, IP Observer, No. 11 2017  
Enforcement of Standard Essential Patent and Competition: From the Viewpoint of German Spundfass and Orange Book Cases, Fair Trade Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 37-79 (除去或防止侵害請求權與競爭法規範-從德國Spundfass及橘皮書案談技術標準專利權之行使,公平交易季刊,251期,TSSCI) 2017 37-79
Patent Protection of Pharmaceutical Products in Taiwan: Reflection on the Establishment of Patent Linkage, Intellectual Property Right Journal, Vol. 216, pp. 5-28 (我國藥品專利保護之現況與未來-從專利連結制度之研擬談起,智慧財產權月刊,216) 2016 5-28
Su-Hua Lee, Cheng-Feng Wu, A Study on the Establishment of Patent Linkage in Taiwan, Taiwan Law Review, Vol. 258, pp. 163-177 (李素華、吳全峰,初探藥事法增訂專利連結專章之立法芻議,月旦法學,258) 2016 163-177
A Study on the Concept and Nature of Patent License Agreement in Taiwan Patent Act, Chengchi Law Review, Vol. 144, pp. 1-80(從專利授權契約之本質論專利法相關規範之解釋與適用,政大法學評論,144期,TSSCI) 2016-03


Misunderstanding of Determination of Patent Validity and Speedy Dispute Resolution in the Civil Court: From the Perspective of Supreme Court Decision, Court Case Times, Vol. 43, pp. 31-43(民事法院自為判斷專利有效性與加速解決紛爭之迷思-從最高法院104年度台上字第407號民事判決談起月旦裁判時報43期)  2016-01  31-43
Su-Hua Lee, Roger Chang, Method of Jurisprudence on the Determination of Patent Non-Obviousness: Review of Practice in Taiwan from the Viewpoint of U.S. and German Laws, Taiwan Law Review, Vol. 242, pp. 227-259 (李素華、張哲倫專利進步性判斷之法學方法論-美、德之借鏡及臺灣實務之檢討月旦法學242)  2015-07  227-259
Enforcement of Essential Patents and Industry Standards: More Economic or Innovative Approach?, Special Issue of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, pp. 55-77 (SSCI). 2015-03  55-77
Observation and Review of the Operation of the IP Court, Taiwan Bar Journal, Vol. 18, No. 10, pp. 18-42 (智慧財產法院運作之觀察與檢討-以專利侵權訴訟為中心,全國律師,1810)  2014-10  18-42
Su-Hua Lee (2014), Trademark Use and Use with Bona Fide: A Commentary on IP Court's Decision, Court Case Times, Vol. 29, pp. 34-42 (商標權侵害之商標使用及善意先使用--智慧財產法院102年度民商訴字第1號民事判決,月旦裁判時報,29)  2014-10  34-42
Su-Hua Lee, Roger Chang, Purpose of Patent System and Nature of Patent Right: Key Role and Function of the Court , Taiwan Law Review, Vol. 232, pp. 191-222 (李素華、張哲倫,專利之制度目的及權利本質-法院在其中之關鍵角色及功能,月旦法學,232)  2014-09  191-222
Patent Infringement and Damage Calculation in Taiwan Legal Practice: Recovery of the Infringer’s Profits, National Taiwan University Law Journal, Vol. 42, No. 4, p. 1387-1455 (專利權侵害之損害賠償及侵害所得利益法之具體適用:以我國法為中心臺大法學論叢4241387-1455,TSSCI) 2013-12 1387-1455
Su-Hua Lee, Roger Chang, Empirical Research on the Quality of Patent Examination and Patent Litigation: Review of 5 Years Data of IP Court in Taiwan, Court Case Times, Vol. 24, pp. 94-112 (李素華、張哲倫,專利審查品質與專利訴訟的實證考察-臺灣智慧財產法院成立五年的數據回顧,月旦裁判時報,24) 2013-12 94-112
Ming-Yan Shieh, Su-Hua Lee, Non-obviousness and Doctrine of Equivalents in Patent Litigation: From the Viewpoint of German Law, Taiwan Law Journal, Vol. 218, pp. 87-126 (謝銘洋、李素華專利權訴訟中之進步性與均等論-德國觀點台灣法學218) 2013-02 218, 87-126
Presumption of Method Patent Infringement under Article 87 of the Patent Act: From the Perspective of IP Court's Decision, Taiwan Law Review, Vol. 210, pp. 162-182 (專利法第87條方法專利權侵害之推定-從智慧財產法院99年度民專訴字第159號民事判決談起,月旦法學,210) 2012-10 162-182
Challenges of Establishment of IP Bank in Taiwan, Taiwan Bar Journal, Vol. 16, No. 8, pp. 33-51 (我國建立智慧財產銀行(IP Bank)之困難與挑戰,全國律師,168) 2012-08 33-51
A Study on Pharmaceutical Patents: Some Observations from Evergreening Patent of Pharmaceutical Sector in Taiwan, National Taiwan University Law Journal, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 647-723 (醫藥發明之專利個案探討-以我國長青樹藥品專利為例臺大法學論叢412期,TSSCI) 2012-06 647-723 
Obligation of Patent Assignment and Warranty against Defects of Right: A Commentary on the High Court's Decision, Court Case Times, Vol. 11, pp. 47-57 (專利權讓與之給付義務與權利瑕疵擔保-臺灣高等法院95年度上字第1032號民事判決月旦裁判時報11) 2011-10 47-57
The Concept of "Using" Patented Products, Taiwan Law Review, Vol. 191, pp. 205-215 (專利物品「使用」行為之意涵,月旦法學,191) 2011-04 205-215
Who is this Person Having Ordinary Skill in the Art: From the Viewpoint of German Law, Taiwan Patent Attorneys Journal, Vol. 5, pp. 38-51 (進步性判斷之「所屬技術領域中具有通常知識者」-德國立法例之觀點專利師季刊5期) 2011-04 38-51

The Concept of "Offering to Sell" in Patent Law: A Commentary on the Supreme Court's and IP Court's Decisions, Taiwan Law Review, Vol. 187, pp. 170-189 (專利法「販賣之要約」界定及排他權行使內容-評最高法院97年度台上字第365號民事判決及其下級法院判決,月旦法學,187)

2010-12 170-189
Compensation for Damages: Reasonable Royalty, Taiwan Bar Journal, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 13-25 (專利權侵害之損害賠償計算-以合理權利金法為例全國律師146期) 2010-03 13-25
The New Legal Framework for the Protection of Employee Inventions, National Taiwan University Law Journal, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 1-70 (僱傭關係下發明權益之研究-以我國專利法為中心臺大法學論叢391期,TSSCI) 2010-03 1-70
Patent Protection for Essential Biomedical Inventions and Its Impacts on the Implementation of Public Health, Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law and Policy, Vol. 3, No. 2 (5 Asian J. WTO & Int'l Health L. & Pol'y 115), pp. 115-140 (SSCI) 2010-03 115-140
The Ownership of the Employee and Manager Inventions, A Commentary on the Recent Court Decisions in Taiwan, The Taiwan Law Review, Vol. 177, pp. 210-231 (受僱人與經理人所完成發明之歸屬-評台灣高等法院97年智上易字第3號判決及桃園地方法院96年智字第11號判決,月旦法學,177期) 2010-02 210-231
Prior Arts in the Determination of Novelty and Non-obviousness: A Commentary on the Supreme Administrative Court Decision in Taiwan, Taiwan Law Journal, Vol. 143, pp. 217-226 (新穎性及進步性判斷基礎之先前技術--簡評最高行政法院98年度判字第644號判決,台灣法學,143期) 2010-01 217-226
The Development of Patent Law of the EU: Difficulties and Challenges of Establishment of Unitary Patent, The Taiwan Law Review, Vol. 174, pp. 30-36 (歐洲聯盟專利法之發展-建立共同體專利之困難與挑戰,月旦法學,174期) 2009-11 30-46
Pharmaceutical Composition Patent and the Application of Joint Tort Law: A Commentary on the IP Court Decision in Taiwan, Taiwan Law Journal, Vol. 119, pp. 175-183 (醫藥組成物專利與共同侵權行為法之適用-簡評智慧財產法院97年民專訴字第5號判決,台灣法學,119期) 2009-01 175-183
The Experimental Use regarding Pharmaceutical Products: A Commentary on the Recent Court Decisions in Taiwan, The Taiwan Law Review, Vol. 159, pp. 196-219 (專利權效力不及之醫藥試驗行為-評臺北地方法院93年度智字第77號與臺灣高等法院94年度智上字第26號判決,月旦法學,159期) 2008-08 196-219
Patent Right and Competition Issues: Access to Essential Patents with Regard to Technical Standards, Fair Trade Quarterly, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 85-122 (專利權行使與公平交易法-以近用技術標準之關鍵專利為中心,公平交易季刊,162期,TSSCI) 2008-04 85-122


Conference Papers Date
Legal Status of Permanent Injunction and Preventive Claims of IP Infringement and related Competition Law: From the Perspective of Spundfass and Orange Book Cases in German BGH, 1st Academic Seminar of Taiwanese Fair Trade Act Association, May 28, 2015 (智慧財產侵害排除及預防請求權之法律地位與競爭法規範-從德國BGHSpundfassOrange Book判決談起,台灣公平交易法學會105年度第一次學術研討會,2015528)  2016
Standards and Its Implications for Competition Laws, International Symposium on Standards, SEPs and Competition Law, , National Taiwan University, March 4th, 2016, Taipei, Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan  2016
The Impact of Patent Linkage on Public Health: From the Perspectives of FTAs and TPP Draft, 12th Asian Law Institute Conference, Law 2.0: New Challenges in Asia, College of Law, National Taiwan University, May 21st-22nd, 2015, Taipei, Taiwan 2015
Intellectual Property Protection for Innovation: Enforcement of Essential Patents and Technical Standards, The 4th Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference, National Taiwan University & National Central University & Academia Sinica, December 6th - 7th, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan 2013
Initial Observations on Patent Enforcement and Damage Compensation in Taiwan, IP and Competition Law in the Global Context: The 4th Japan-Taiwan Symposium on IP/Competition Law, 16 Feb., 2013, Nagoya University, Japan 2013
Access to Essential Biomedical Inventions: The Role of Patent Law, The 2009 ILST Conference on Innovation, Competition and Regulation, Institute of Law for Science and Technology, National Tsing Hua University, December 3 and 4, 2008 2009


Books Date Pages 
The Requirements of Trade Secret Protection in Taiwan. In: Trade Secret Protection: Asia at a Crossroads (Kung-Chung Liu & Reto Hilty eds.), Kluwer Law International B.V., pp. 178-185 2021 178-185
Security Rights in Intellectual Property in Taiwan, Republic of China. In: Security Rights in Intellectual Property (Eva-Maria Kieninger ed.), Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 673-689  2020 559-580
Su-Hua Lee, Human Rights and Intellectual Property Protection: Their Interplay in Taiwan. In: Taiwan and International Human Rights: A Story of Transformation. Jerome A. Cohen, William P. Alford, Chang-Fa Lo (Eds.), Springer Singapore, pp. 559-580 2019 559-577
Su-Hua Lee, Solving Challenge Resulting from Bifurcation System, in: Annotated Leading Patent Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions (Kung-Chung Liu eds.), City University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 42-54 2017-06 42-54
Su-Hua Lee, Infringer’s Profits and Deductible Expenses and Costs, in: Annotated Leading Patent Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions (Kung-Chung Liu eds.), City University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 379-390 2017-06 379-390
Su-Hua Lee, Purpose and Concept of Pharmaceutical Registration and Patent Linkage System: From the Perspective of the U.S. Hatch-Waxman Act, Compilation of Essays Related to Regulations of IP Litigation (4th Edition), Department of Administrative Litigation and Discipline of Judicial Yuan, pp. 47-95 (藥品上市審查與專利連結制度之本旨與內涵-從美國Hatch-Waxman Act談起,「智慧財產訴訟制度相關論文彙編」第4輯,司法院行政訴訟及懲戒廳,頁47-95)  2015-12-01 47-95
Ming-Yan Shieh, Su-Hua Lee, Patent Enforcement in Taiwan, Patent Enforcement Worldwide: Writings in Honour of Dieter Stauder (Christopher Heath eds.), 3rd edition, Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 349-381  2015-11-01 349-381
The Theory and Practice of Trademark Use and Presumptive Infringement - Review of Item 2, Article 70 of the Trademark Act, The Current and Future Regulations of "Trademark Use," Ming-Jye Huang eds., pp. 169-218 (商標使用與視為侵害之理論與實務-商標法第70條第2款之立法檢討,「商標使用」規範之現在與未來(黃銘傑主編),頁169-218)  2015-04-01 169-218
Kung-Chung Liu, Su-Hua Lee, The Patent System in Chinese Taipei (Taiwan), Patent Law In Greater China, Peter Ganea & Stefan Luginbuehl eds., p. 401-420, Edward Elgar Publisher 2014-03-01 401-420
Effects of Post-Grant Amendment on the Patent Administrative and Civil Litigation: From the Perspective of German Law, Compilation of Essays Related to Regulations of IP Litigation (3rd Edition), Department of Administrative Litigation and Discipline of Judicial Yuan, pp. 55-87 (請求項更正對專利行政與民事訴訟之影響-德國立法例之觀察,「智慧財產訴訟制度相關論文彙編」第3輯,司法院行政訴訟及懲戒廳,頁55-87) 2014-12-01 55-87
Ming-Yan Shieh, Su-Hua Lee, Non-obviousness and Doctrine of Equivalents in Patent Litigation: From the Viewpoint of German Law, Compilation of Essays Related to Regulations of IP Litigation (2nd Edition), Department of Administrative Litigation and Discipline of Judicial Yuan, pp. 1-49 (謝銘洋、李素華,專利權訴訟中之進步性與均等論-德國觀點,「智慧財產訴訟制度相關論文彙編」第2輯,司法院行政訴訟及懲戒廳,頁1-49) 2013-12-01 1-49
The Protection and Scope of Patent Rights in Human Genetics: Case Studies on Gene Patents and their Impact on Public Health, Chuan-Feng Wu (eds.), Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica (基因研究成果之專利保護及權利範圍-從美歐新近個案談基因專利權對公共衛生之影響收錄於「2011科技法展與法律規範雙年刊健康、科學與人權」) 2012-12-01  
Ming-Yan Shieh, Su-Hua Lee, Patent Enforcement in Taiwan, The Enforcement of Patents, Kung-Chung Liu & Reto M. Hilty (eds.), Kluwer Law International, pp. 177-210 2012 177-210
The Role and Function of Technical Expert in the Patent Litigation: Example from the Technical Judge and Patent Attorney in Germany, Compilation of Essays Related to Regulations of IP Litigation (1st Edition), Department of Administrative Litigation and Discipline of Judicial Yuan, pp. 51-861 (技術專家在專利訴訟程序之角色與功能-以德國之技術法官及專利律師為例,「智慧財產訴訟制度相關論文彙編」第1輯,司法院行政訴訟及懲戒廳,頁51-861) 2010-11-01 51-861
Su-Hua Lee, Yu-Ting Lin, Competition Laws on the SEP-related Patent Pools: From the Viewpoint of Philips CD-R Case, Compilation of Essays in 17th Seminar of the Competition Policy and Fair Trade Act, pp. 301-345 (李素華、林育廷,從「飛利浦光碟案」看競爭法對技術標準相關專利聯盟之規範,第17屆競爭政策與公平交易法學術研討會論文集,頁301-345) 2010-08-01 301-345


計畫類別  計畫名稱  起始日期  結束日期 職稱
科技部(原國科會)案件 專利舉發撤銷程序之檢討及專利法引進無效爭訟程序之分析 2016-08-01 2018-07-31 主持人


2015-02-01 2015-12-31 主持人
科技部(原國科會)案件 專利權權利範圍界定與侵害認定之研究與檢討 2014-08-01 2016-07-31 主持人
科技部(原國科會)案件 我國專利權侵害之賠償責任法制檢討 2012-08-01 2014-07-31 主持人
教育部 全球化下智慧財產制度之目的與倫理實踐,教育部99年度新興議題與專業教育改革中綱計畫-法學教育教學研究創新子計畫 2010-08-01 2011-07-31 主持人
科技部(原國科會)案件 專利權授權契約之權利瑕疵擔保責任於我國法的適用與檢討 2010-08-01 2012-07-31 主持人
智慧財產法院 99年度智慧財產訴訟新制專題研究-有關專利法第56條規定「使用」意涵之研析-從德國法之比較觀察 2010-06-01 2010-12-31 主持人
司法院 司法智識庫98年度智慧財產資料整編總計畫暨著作權、營業秘密、專利及商標專題研究計畫,專利法專題研究子計畫(子計畫主持人:國立臺灣大學法律學院謝銘洋教授) 2009-05-01 2011-05-31 子計畫協同主持人
公平會 各國專利授權(含標準化技術授權)之規範與實務相關研究,行政院公平交易委員會 2009-04-01 2010-11-30 主持人
科技部(原國科會)案件 專利間接侵害責任在我國法之適用與檢討 2007-08-01 2010-07-31 主持人
科技部(原國科會)案件 職務及聘任發明人權益保護之新思維 2007-08-01 2008-07-31 主持人