Joseph Lee-李震海

Joseph Lee is a senior lecturer in law at Exeter Law School. He joined the School as lecturer in company and commercial law in October 2012. From 2006 to 2012 he was lecturer in business law at the University of Nottingham, which he joined immediately after the completion of his PhD at the University of London.

Joseph has also been visiting professor and collaborateur scientifique at the University of Liège, Belgium, and visiting professor at the National Taiwan University teaching UK and EU company law and English commercial law. He was visiting scholar at the Graduate Schools for Law and Politics, University of Tokyo in 2014. He has lectured at the National Chiao-Tung University of Taiwan, University of Hong Kong, Kyushu University and Nagoya University of Japan, and Bocconi University.

Joseph specialises in company law, securities regulation, commercial law and arbitration and conducts research on the use of distributed ledgers technologies (DLTs) in the securities market, smart contract in IPO, financial market infrastructures (FMI) interconnections, cyber security in financial services, dispute resolution mechanism for securities disputes, and regulatory sandbox. He teaches company law, commercial law, transnational commercial law. He welcomes PhD applications for research supervision in these subject areas.

Joseph regularly acts as a consultant. He advised a central bank and government agencies and provides training to the judiciary. He is fellow of the European Law Institute and a member of the International Bar Association.

He currently holds a research grant awarded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) to investigate interconnections between stock exchanges.     

Professor Joseph Lee will be a visiting professor at the College of Law, National Taiwan University, from April to June in 2017. During the visit, he will teach intense course on UK and EU Company Law.