Master of Laws (LL.M.)

LL.M. is a research intensive degree for individuals with prior legal knowledge in law related studies. The goal of this program is to enable students to undertake a major research project to broaden their legal horizons.


Academic Requirements

Generally, it takes 3 years for most of the students to complete their LL.M. degrees. However, it can also be completed within 2 years, with first year devoted to coursework and second year devoted to thesis writing. 

※Please note that according to NTU Regulations, LL.M. students are required to complete their degree within 4 years.

A: Thesis Supervisor Application Requirements

Students should submit their choice of thesis supervisor to the office one semester before they apply for the degree examination.

  1. The supervisors should be professors of our college, and the topic of the thesis should be the supervisor’s specialized or related area.
  2. Students who wish to engage adjunct professors as the thesis supervisor should at the same time engage full-time professors to joint instruct as well.


LL.M. Thesis Supervisor Application Form



B: Credits Requirements

  1. LL.M. students should take at least 4 credits each semester in their first school year.
  2. LL.M. students are required to obtain at least 24 credits (from at least 12 courses) with a final grade no less than B- toward their graduation. The credits can ONLY be obtained from courses with M code (for graduate students), or U code (shared by graduate students and senior undergraduates). Those of other undergraduate courses without U code, second foreign language courses, selected readings of foreign language jurisprudence and thesis writing will NOT be counted towards graduation. 
  3. Among the 24 credits, there must be at least 16 credits from M code courses. 
    ※Please note that M code courses are not including NTU Open Courses, Courses from AWEC, Distance Learning Courses, and Courses in University Alliance.
  4. Credits from courses offered by other colleges can be accepted with a maximum of 6 credits. However, if the courses are related to the students' thesis topic and are approved by the thesis supervisor, the credits can be accepted with a maximum of 8. 
  5. Students can only gain a maximum of 4 credits from the same course offered by the same professor, but in the case that the professor is the student's thesis supervisor, the credits can be accepted with a maximum of 8.


Application Form for LL.M. Students Selecting the Course Provided by Other Grad. Inst.



C:  Academic Presentation of Research Center

When applying for a degree examination, LL.M. students should also submit the proof of academic presentation.

  1. The academic presentation can be organized by the centers of our college or be held by the students themselves. The academic presentation held in public places outside the school will also be counted if they are approved by the supervisor.
  2. Students who hold the presentation themselves should submit the minutes and the QA record of their presentation. Please note that the minutes have to be signed by more than 7 participants, and the QA record must be at least one-page long.
  3. Instead of the academic presentation, students can also provide the proof of publishing at least 1 essay in journals with peer review mechanism. 


D: Degree Examination

  1. Application
    1. Deadline:
      Fall semester: November 30
      Spring semester: April 30
    2. Please go to myNTU website to enroll in the “Online Application System for the Oral Thesis/ Dissertation Defense”, print out the application form and have it signed by the supervisor, and then hand it to the office with your academic transcript.

  2. Thesis Seminar
    Before the oral defense, the LL.M. students must host a thesis seminar, in which the thesis is discussed and given advice openly. The minutes of the seminar will be a requirement of graduation. 
    1. Deadline:
      Fall semester: December 15
      Spring semester: May 15
    2. Students should announce the thesis seminar 2 weeks before the seminar takes place, and must submit the minutes and the QA record of their seminar afterwards. Please note that the minutes have to be signed by more than 7 participants, and the QA record must be at least one-page long.

  3. Nomination of Oral Defense Committee
    Students should discuss the composition of the Oral Defense Committee with the supervisors. The nomination list must be signed by the supervisors and submitted to the office.
    1. Deadline: 2 weeks before the oral defense 
    2. The committee has to be composed of three to five examiners, including the thesis supervisor. 

  4. Oral Defense of Thesis
    1. Deadline:
      Fall semester: January 31
      Spring semester: July 31
    2. Please have the Invitation stamped by the office, take the Official Letter of Appointment, and hand them to the Oral Defense Committee together with the oral defense version thesis two weeks before the oral defense.
    3. On the day of the oral defense, please arrange one person to collect the receipt, the payment for the Committee, the transcript, and the thesis revision confirmation form from the office. The Acceptance Certificate shall be prepared by students themselves.
    4. Theses written in a foreign language would be accepted, subject to the approval of the Course Committee. An abstract written in Chinese should be submitted together with the thesis on the oral defense if the thesis is written in a foreign language.

  5. Revocation of the Oral Defense
    If the defense can not be held within the regulated time, please revoke the defense. 
    1. Deadline:
      Fall semester: January 31
      Spring semester: July 31
    2. Please note that the student has to pass the oral defense within two attempts, or he/she will be disqualified from pursuing the degree. If the student applies online and does not revoke it, but the oral defense does not take place in that day, it will be considered as failing one chance.  



Application Form for Writing Thesis in Foreign Languages 
Master Thesis Seminar Announcement
Minutes of the Master Thesis Seminar
Nomination List of the Oral Defense Committee   
Letter of Invitation for the Oral Defense Committee
LL.M. Thesis Acceptance Certificate
Revocation Application Form for Master or Doctoral Degree Examination



E: After the Oral Defense of Thesis

  1. Graduation Procedures
    1. Students who successfully passed the oral defense should complete the following graduation procedures before the designated date:
      1. Upload the thesis onto the library website 
      2. Hand in three copies in print (either in hardcover or paperbacks) to the library 
      3. Return the keys of research chamber and dorm
      4. Hand in the required documents to the office
        1. Proof of Academic Presentation 
        2. Minutes and QA record of the thesis seminar
        3. Certification of attendance of at least 6 academic activities held by our college 
        4. Thesis Revision Confirmation Form
        5. QA records of the oral defense
        6. Statement of Academic Ethics and Originality Comparison
    2. After all the procedures are done, students could take the certificate of degree from the Office of Academic Affairs. In the graduation ceremony in the second semester of the year of graduation, students could also receive the tassel turning.
      (The graduation ceremony date each year might be different, please mind the email sent from the office.)

  2. Graduation Postponement Application
    Students who passed the oral defense but wish not to graduate in the semester should complete the application form, have it signed by the supervisor, and hand it to the office. 
    1. Deadline:
      Fall semester: January 31
      Spring semester: July 31
    2. In this situation, please DO NOT hand the thesis to the library nor upload the thesis file online.
    3. Please note that in the expected graduation semester, students should visit “Online Application System for the Oral Thesis/ Dissertation Defense” again, and click “Application Form for those who passed the thesis/dissertation defense” to apply for starting the graduation procedures.


      Graduation Postponement Application Form


For further information about the LL.M. Academic Regulation, please walk in the administration office!