Professor Jiunn-rong Yeh is known for his policy science approach to various law and policy issues, including constitutional change, environmental policy and regulatory processes. He was the Vice Dean of the College of Law, National Taiwan University, in charge of academic affairs and international collaboration.
He has substantially involved in many constitutional, legislative and regulatory issues in Taiwan. He argued in front of the Council of Grand on the constitutional issue of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant installation, also heading or participating in the drafting of several major legislative bills, including the Freedom of Information Act, the Administrative Procedural Act, the Superfund Law and the Greenhouse Gas Control Act. Professor Yeh’s extensive publications of books and articles in both English and Chinese cover topics such as constitutional law, environmental law and administrative law. He received Award of Excellence in Research from National Science Council. Professor Yeh has held teaching positions in many major foreign institutions, including Duke, Columbia, Toronto, Harvard, Melbourne. He was named Distinguished Visiting Faculty 2000-2001 by the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, where he taught Transformative Constitutionalism in East Asia in Fall 2000. In 2013, he was appointed by the Melbourne Law School as Professorial Fellow. Professor Yeh joined the Cabinet of Taiwan as a Minister without Portfolio in 2002, in charge of inter-ministerial coordination. In 2004, he served as Minister of the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission overseeing government functions in the Cabinet. In 2005, Professor Yeh was elected a member and Secretary-General of the National Assembly that approved the constitutional revision proposals by Legislative Yuan. in May 2016, he swore into office as Minister of the Interior and then Minister of Education before he returned to his professorship at National Taiwan University in December 2018. In 2013, Professor Yeh was appointed as National Taiwan University Chair Professor. Professor Yeh’s recent publications include The Constitution of Taiwan: A Contextual Analysis (Hart, 2016). Asian Courts in Context (Cambridge University Press, 2015, co-eds with Wen-Chen Chang)
Current Position
- National Taiwan University Chair Professor, College of Law, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (2016-)
- Professorial Fellow, Melbourne Law School (2014-)
- Director, Policy and Law Center for Environmental Sustainability, College of Law, National Taiwan University (2009-)
Past Administrative Positions
- Minister, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2018.7~2018.12)
- Minister of the Interior, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2016.5~2018.7)
- Minister, Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, R.O.C (2004~2006)
- Minister without Portfolio, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2002~2004)
- Executive Director, Council for Organizational Reform, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2002~2006)
- Executive Director, National Council for Sustainable Development, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2002~2006)
- Vice-Chairperson, Council for Maritime Affairs Advancement, Executive Yuan (2003-2006)
- Vice-Chairperson, Council for Human Rights Promotion, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2004~2006)
- Secretary General and Member, National Assembly, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2005)
- Chairperson, Council for Nuclear Free Homeland, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2002~2004)
- Coordinator, National Council for Reorganization of Administrative Agencies under the Executive Yuan, the Committee on Government Reform Commission, under the office of the President, R.O.C. (2001~2002)
- Member, the Council for Government Reform Commission, under the office of the President, R.O.C. (2001~2002)
- Council Member, Aviation Safety Council, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (1998~2003)
Other Academic and Professional Positions and Activities
- Director, Public Law Research Center, College of Law, National Taiwan University (2001~2002; 2008~2009)
- Board Member, National Taiwan University Law Foundation (1999~2011)
- Board Member and Member of Standing Committee, Taiwan Administrative Law Association (1998~2011)
- Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Industrial Ecology, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University: MIT Press (1998~present)
- Deputy Dean and Director of Academic Affairs, College of Law, National Taiwan University (1997~1999)
- Editor-in-Chief, National Taiwan University Law Journal (1997~1998)
- Board Member and Member of Standing Committee, Taiwan Law Society (1995~2001)
- Secretary General, National Taiwan University Law Foundation (1994~1995)
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Journal Articles and Book Chapters |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2018, Constitutionalism and Judicial Review in East Asia, in Tun-jen Cheng and Yun-han Chu eds., Routledge Handbook of Democratization in East Asia, Routledge: London and New York, pp225-248. |
Jiunn-Rong Yeh and Chun-Yuan Lin, 2018, The Paris Agreement and the Transformation of Global Climate Change Law: Taiwan’s Perspective, 13(2) National Taiwan University Law Review 149-182 (2018.) (TSSCI) |
Jiunn-rong Yeh and Wen-Chen Chang, 2018, Independence by Law or by Practice? Taiwan’s National Communications Commission and Central Bank, in GOVERNANCE AND CONSTITUTIONALISM: LAW, POLITICS AND INSTITUTIONAL NEUTRALITY (Bogdan Iancu & Elena Simina Tănăsescu eds.), Routledge Publishing, pp. 134-154. (reviewed contribution) |
Jiunn-rong Yeh and Wen-Chen Chang, 2018, An Evolving Court with Changing Functions: The Constitutional Court and Judicial Review in Taiwan, in CONSTITUTIONAL COURTS IN ASIA: A COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE (Albert H. Y. Chen & Andrew Harding eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.110-140. (reviewed contribution) |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2017,Climate Change and Reconfiguration of Environmental Liability Regime: towards a Global Regulatory Regime, in CLIMATE CHANGE LIABILITY AND BEYOND (Jiunn-rong Yeh ed.), Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, pp.79-100 (reviewed contribution) |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2017,Climate Change and Reconfiguration of Environmental Liability Regime: towards a Global Regulatory Regime, in CLIMATE CHAJiunn-rong Yeh, 2017,Climate Change: from Mitigation, to Adapation, and to Laibility and beyond, in CLIMATE CHANGE LIABILITY AND BEYOND (Jiunn-rong Yeh ed.), Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, pp.13-24 (reviewed contribution)bution) |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2017, Experimenting with Independent Commissions in a New Democracy with a Civil Law Tradition: The case of Taiwan, in Susan Rose-Ackerman, Peter Lindseth and Blake Emerson eds., Comparative Administrative Law,2nd ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.198-217 (reviewed contrubution) |
Wen-Chen Chang & Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2017.12, The Impacts of Regional Integration on National Constitutional Laws in Asia, in NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: ESSAYS IN HONOR OF ANDRAS SAJO (Iulia Notoc, Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque & Krzysztof Wojtyczek eds.), Hague, The Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing, pp. 21-40. |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2017.03,Marching towards Civic Constitutionalism with Sunflowers, in LAW AND POLITICS OF THE TAIWAN SUNFLOWER AND HONG KONG UMBRELLA MOVEMENTS (Brian Christopher Jones ed.), London: Routledge, pp. 49-61.(reviewed contrubution) |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2016, Politicization of Constitutional Court, in Henning Glaser ed., Constitutional Jurisprudence – Function, Impact, and Challenges, NOMAS. |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2016, The Development of Regional Human Right Institutions in Asia, in GLOBAL CONSTITUTIONALISM AND MULTI-LAYERED PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHT (Seoul National University Asia-Pacific Law Institute ed.), Seoul, Constitutional Court of Korea, pp. 635-649. |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2016, Judicial Strategies and Political Question Doctrine: An Investigation into the Judicial Adjudications of the East Asian Courts, in LEGAL THOUGHTS BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE WEST IN THE MULTILEVEL LEGAL ORDER (Chang-fa Lo, Nigel N.T. Li & Tsai-yu Lin eds.), pp. 47-73, Singapore: Springer,. |
葉俊榮,2016,2015年憲法發展回顧,臺大法學論叢,第45卷特刊,頁1423-1454。(TSSCI) |
葉俊榮,2016,探尋隱私權的空間意涵:大法官對基本權利的脈絡論證,中央研究院法學期刊,第18期,頁1-40。(TSSCI) |
葉俊榮等,2015,溫減法,然後呢?──法律學者評新通過溫減法,月旦法學雜誌,第245期,頁52-73。 |
葉俊榮,2015,水土不服的土壤及地下水污染整治法:中石化安順廠相關行政訴訟的檢討,法令月刊,第66卷第3期,頁23-53。 |
葉俊榮,2015,氣候變遷的歷史排放量比例責任:市場佔有率責任理論的啟示,月旦法學雜誌,第239期,頁5-17。 |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2015, Marching towards Civil Constitutionalism, 45(1) Hong Kong Law Journal, pp. 315-329. (SSCI) |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2015, Court-ordered Apology: The Function of Courts in the Construction of Society, Culture and the Law, in Jiunn-rong Yeh ed, The Functional Transformation of Couts: Taiwan and Korea in Comparison, 21-38, V&R Press and National Taiwan University Press. |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2015, Evolving Central-local Relations in a Contested Constitutional Democracy: The Case of Taiwan, in Andrew Hardin & Mark Sidel eds., Central-Local Relations in Asian Constitutional Systems, 39-57, Hart Publishing. |
葉俊榮,2015,水土不服的土壤及地下水污染整治法:中石化安順廠相關行政訴訟的檢討,法令月刊,第66卷第3期,頁23-53。 |
葉俊榮,2015,氣候變遷的歷史排放量比例責任:市場佔有率責任理論的啟示,月旦法學,239期,頁5-17。 |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2015, Marching towards Civil Constitutionalism, 45 Hong Kong Law Journal, 315-29. (SSCI) |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2015, Court-ordered Apology: The Function of Courts in the Construction of Society, Culture and the Law, in Jiunn-rong Yeh ed, The Functional Transformation of Couts: Taiwan and Korea in Comparison, 21-38, V&R Press and National Taiwan University Press. |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2015, Evolving Central-local Relations in a Contested Constitutional Democracy: The Case of Taiwan, in Andrew Hardin & Mark Sidel eds., Central-Local Relations in Asian Constitutional Systems, 39-57, Hart Publishing. |
葉俊榮,2014,氣候變遷的治理模式:法律典範的衝擊與轉變,收於葉俊榮主編,2014,氣候變遷的制度因應:決策、財務與規範,台大出版中心,頁17-44。 |
葉俊榮,2014,氣候變遷與行政法的轉型,收於葉俊榮主編,氣候變遷的制度因應:決策、財務與規範,台大出版中心,頁235-260。 |
葉俊榮,2014,東亞法院的形貌初探:三種模式的浮現,收於葉俊榮主編,轉型中的東亞法院:基本形貌,紛爭解決與行政治理,台大出版中心,頁13-64。 |
Jiunn-rong Yeh & Wen-Chen Chang, 2014, Introduction: Asian Court in Context: Tradition, Transition, and Globalization, in Jiunn-rong Yeh & Wen-Chen Chang eds., Asian Courts in Context, pp 1-74, Cambridge University Press. |
Jiunn-rong Yeh & Wen-Chen Chang, 2014, Conclusion: Challenges and Prospect for Asian Court, in Jiunn-rong Yeh & Wen-Chen Chang eds., Asian Courts in Context, pp 566-81, Cambridge University Press. |
孫歌、黃光國、葉俊榮,2014,東亞研究的省思,臺灣東亞文明研究學刊,第11卷第2期,頁209-235。 |
林超駿、李念祖、葉俊榮、黃舒芃,2014,「憲法議題該如何討論座談會」會議綜述,月旦法學雜誌,第234期,頁296-307。 |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2013, Changing Faces of Cost-Benefit Analysis: Alternative Institutional Settings and Varied Social/Political Contexts, In Michael Livermore & Richard Revesz eds., The Globalization of Cost-Benefit Analysis in Environmental Policy, Oxford University Press. pp.87-103. |
Wen-Chen Chang and Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2013, Judges as Discursive Agent: The Use of Foreign Precedents by the Constitutional Court of Taiwan, in Tania Groppi and Marie-Claire Ponthoreau eds., The Use of Foreign Precedents by Constitutional Judges, Hart Publishing, pp. 373-392. |
葉俊榮,2013,永續發展的制度抉擇與文明省思,收於全球化時代的王道文化、社會創新與永續發展,林建甫主編,台大出版中心,頁169-203。 |
葉俊榮、張文貞,2013,東亞憲政主義的興起及發展:主要特徵,憲政時代,第37卷第4期,頁389-436。 |
葉俊榮,2013,氣候變遷的全球治理:行政法的新圖像,臺灣國際法季刊,第10卷第2期,頁7-34。 |
葉俊榮,2013,探尋東亞憲政主義並描繪東亞法院,在野法潮,第16期,頁78-83。 |
葉俊榮,2013,環境法的發展脈絡與挑戰:一個從台灣看天下的觀點,司法新聲,第105期,頁7-15。 |
葉俊榮,2013,憲法法院的東亞實踐:制度比較與發展趨勢,收於法治的傳承與永續:第一屆翁岳生教授公法學研討會論文集,黃昭元主編,新學林,頁31-66。 |
葉俊榮,2013,台灣法學期刊與法學社群:從法學期刊評比與統一引註談起,收於公法研究的世代對話:法治斌教授逝世十週年紀念論文集,新學林,頁41-52。 |
葉俊榮,2013,違憲政治:司法院大法官附期限違憲解釋的實證分析,收於張永健主編,2011司法制度實證研究,頁1-31。 |
Jiunn-rong Yeh & Wen-Chen Chang, 2013, A Decade of Changing Constitutionalism in Taiwan: a Transitional and Transnational Perspective, in Albert Chen eds., Constitutionalism in Asia in the Early Twenty-first Century, pp141~168, London: Cambridge University Press. |
葉俊榮,2012,回應在地發展與全球連動:台灣2003-2011憲法發展,月旦法學雜誌,第200期,頁120-136。 |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2012, Transitional Environmentalism: Democratic Institutions, Courts, and Civil Society in Taiwan, in Akihisa Mori ed., Democratization, Decentralization, and Environmental Governance in East Asia, PP86~103, Kyoto University Press. |
Wen-Chen Chang & Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2012, Internationalization of Constitutional Law, in Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law(Michel Rosenfeld & András Sajó eds.), New York: Oxford University Press, pp.1165-1184. |
Catherine Dupre & Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2012, Constitutions and Legitimacy over Time, in Mark Tushnet, Thomas Fleiner & Cheryl Saunders & eds., ROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK ON CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, pp.45-56. |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2012, Emerging Climate Change Law and Changing Governance, in He Weidong & Peng Feng eds., Climate Change Law: International and National Approaches, Shanghai: Shanghai Academic of Social Science Press, PP. 24-47. |
Jiunn-rong Yeh & Wen-Chen Chang, 2011, The Emergence of East Asian Constitutionalism: Features in Comparison, 59(3) American Journal of Comparative Law, pp. 805-840. (SSCI) |
葉俊榮,2011,2010年憲法發展回顧,臺大法學論叢,第40卷 特刊,頁1625-1658。 (TSSCI) |
葉俊榮,2011,總統制與分裂社會:臺灣與南韓憲法法院裁判的比較研究,臺大法學論叢,第40卷第2期,頁459-504。(TSSCI) |
葉俊榮,2011,臺灣行政法學的發展與挑戰:一個批判的觀點,月旦法學教室,第100期,頁70-77。 |
葉俊榮,2010,捍衛環評制度尊嚴的行政法院中科裁判,月旦法學雜誌,第185期,頁68-79。 |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2011, Presidential Politics and Judicial Facilitation of Political Dialogue between Political Actors in New Asian Democracies: Comparing the South Korean and Taiwanese Experiences, 8(4) International Journal of Constitutional Law, pp. 911-949. (SSCI) |
Kevin Y. L. Tan, Jiunn-rong Yeh, Chao-Ju Chen & Li-Ju Lee, 2010, History and Culture: Complexities in Studying Southeast Asian Constitutionalism, 5(2) National Taiwan University Law Review, pp. 187-223. (TSSCI) |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2010, The Emergence of Asian Constitutionalism: Features in Comparison, 4(3) National Taiwan University Law Review, pp. 39-53. (TSSCI) |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2010, Strategies of Preservation of National Interest through a New Constitution: Institutional Capacity Building for Nepal, in Bipin Adhikari ed, Nepal: Design Options for the New Constitution, pp. 387-397, Nepal Constitution Foundation. (reviewed book chapter) |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2010, Globalization, Government Reform, and Paradigm Shift of Administrative Law, 5(2) National Taiwan University Law Review, pp. 113-141. (TSSCI) |
葉俊榮,2010,獨立機關之獨立性:論國家通訊傳播委員會設立之憲法爭議,收於台灣行政法學會主編,行政組織與人事法制之新發展,頁53-90 (專書論文)。 |
葉俊榮,2010,超越資訊公開:當代資訊法制之挑戰與發展趨勢,收於台灣行政法學會主編,資訊法制、土地規劃與損失補償之新趨勢,頁99-122 (專書論文)。 |
葉俊榮,2010,思索臺灣的法學典範,台灣法學雜誌,第148期,頁49-51。 |
葉俊榮,2010,走出「實習法庭」,台灣法學雜誌,第156期,頁67-69。 |
葉俊榮,2010,臺灣法律發展回顧:行政法,臺大法學論叢,第39卷第2期,頁31-56。(TSSCI) |
葉俊榮(徐行訳),2010,環境アセスメントにおける市民訴訟の運用─台湾における実践と検討,新世紀法政策学研究,第6号,第一特輯,pp. 29-50。 |
葉俊榮,2010,捍衛環評制度尊嚴的行政法院中科裁判,月旦法學,第185期,頁68-79。 |
葉俊榮,2010,恐龍法官與恐龍法學,台灣法學雜誌,第164期,頁41-43。 |
葉俊榮,2009,分裂社會與團結法院,收於葉俊榮主編,張文貞,林明昕助編,翁岳生教授的公法世界,東亞法治與人權叢書(六),頁81-96。 |
Wenmay Rei & Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2009, Promises and Pitfalls of Using National Bioethics Commissions as an Institution to Facilitate Deliberative Democracy: Lessons from the Policy Making of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research, 4(2) National Taiwan University Law Review, pp. 69-105. (TSSCI) |
Jiunn-rong Yeh & Wen-Chen Chang, 2009, The Changing Landscape of Modern Constitutionalism: Transitional Perspective, 4(1) National Taiwan University Law Review, pp. 145-183. (TSSCI) |
葉俊榮 (大塚直、小島恵訳),2009,気候変動の時代に変化する環境責任(Environmental Liabiltity)のパラダイム――台湾の教訓,ジュリスト,第1372号,pp. 66-71,有斐閣。 |
葉俊榮,2009,從救濟管道到管制脈絡:論行政處分與行政契約的交錯與併存爭議,收於王必芳主編,2008行政管制與行政爭訟,頁1-33,中央研究院法律研究所籌備處。(經審查專書論文) |
Jiunn-rong Yeh & Wen-Chen Chang, 2008, The Emergence of Transnational Constitutionalism: Its Features, Challenges and Solutions, 27(1) Penn State International Law Review, pp. 89-124. |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2008, Democracy-driven Transformation to Regulatory State: The Case of Taiwan, 3(2) National Taiwan University Law Review, pp. 31-59. (TSSCI) |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2008, Globalization and Government Reform: Challenges and Tasks, in Emergence of Globalization and Blocs: Lawyers’ Perspectives, PP 53-73, 經世院,Seoul (in Korean with English Subtitles). |
葉俊榮,2008,週期修憲的程序理性,收於葉俊榮,張文貞主編,新興民主的憲政改造,東亞法治與人權叢書(五),頁11-34,元照。(經審稿專書論文) |
葉俊榮,2007,從行政院公報新制談資訊公開與民眾參與,研考雙月刊,第31卷第3期,頁3-14。 |
葉俊榮,2007,全球化、公私流動與國家台灣文學館的行政法人化,文訊雜誌,第258期,頁63-67。 |
葉俊榮,2007,台灣2005憲改的詮釋:憲法變遷的典範轉移,收於現代憲法的理論與現實:李鴻禧教授七秩華誕祝壽論文集,PP.145-162。(專書論文) |
葉俊榮,2006,環境法上的公民訴訟:論制度引進的原意與現實的落差,收於跨世紀法學新思維:法學叢刊創刊五十週年,PP.187-216 。(專書論文) |
葉俊榮、張文貞,2006,路徑相依或制度選擇:論民主轉型與憲法變遷的模式,問題與研究,第45卷第6期,頁 1-31。 (TSSCI) |
葉俊榮,2006,臺灣數位落差的現狀與政策,研考雙月刊,第30卷第1期,頁3-16。 |
葉俊榮,2006,從全球憲法變遷的趨勢看台灣憲政改造的定位,收於憲改方向盤,行政院研究發展考核委員會主編,PP.1-14。 (專書論文) |
葉俊榮,2005,行政院組織改造之現況與展望,研考雙月刊,第29卷第6期,頁11-23。 |
葉俊榮、施奕任,2005,從學術建構到政策實踐:永續台灣指標的發展歷程及其對制度運作影響,都市與計畫,第32卷第3期,頁103-124。(TSSCI) |
張文貞、葉俊榮,2005,邁向憲政主義—憲政體制的變遷與解釋,收於湯德宗主編:憲法解釋之理論與實務,第4輯,台北:中研院/元照出版,PP.411-460。(經審稿之專書論文) |
葉俊榮,2005全球脈絡下的行政法人,收於台灣行政法學會主編,行政法人與組織改造聽證制度評析,頁3-13。(專書論文) |
葉俊榮,2005,轉型與發展:臺灣21世紀議程--國家永續發展願景與策略綱領,研考雙月刊,第29卷第5期,頁6-18。 |
葉俊榮,2005,建構海洋臺灣發展藍圖,研考雙月刊,第29卷第4期,頁8-21。 |
葉俊榮,2005,行政院公報發行之意義,研考雙月刊,第29卷第3期,頁8-19。 |
葉俊榮,2005,堅持改革,預約活力政府,人事月刊,第40卷第4期,頁21-27。 |
葉俊榮,2005,提升政策執行力的挑戰與展望,研考雙月刊,第29卷第2期,頁3-16。 |
葉俊榮,2005,電子化政府資通安全發展策略與展望,研考雙月刊,第29卷第1期,頁20-34。 |
葉俊榮,2005,彈性精簡的行政組織:行政院組織法修正草案評析,考銓季刊,第41期,頁13-34。 |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2004, Hope or Nope: The Second Call for a New Constitution in Taiwan, Asia Program Report, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, No. 125, pp. 4-11. |
葉俊榮,2004,全球化對行政法的挑戰:從行政法人的建制談起,收於法治與現代行政法學:法治斌教授紀念論文集,P.365-380 。(專書論文) |
葉俊榮,2004,透明政府與資訊公開,東亞行政法,第6號,頁133-154。 |
葉俊榮,2004,彈性精簡的行政組織--行政院組織法修正草案,研考雙月刊,第28卷第6期,頁17-29。 |
葉俊榮,2004,政府再造與區域治理,研考雙月刊,第28卷第5期,頁13-24。 |
葉俊榮,2004,電子化民主對民主政治發展之意涵,研考雙月刊,第28卷第4期,頁12-24。 |
葉俊榮,2004,邁向非核家園之路,台灣法學雜誌,第54期,頁17-21。 |
葉俊榮,2003,轉型法院的自我定位:論憲法解釋對修憲機制的影響,臺大法學論叢,第32卷第6期,頁29-59。(TSSCI) |
葉俊榮,2003,民主轉型與金錢政治的法律因應,國家發展研究,第2卷第2期,頁1-29。 |
葉俊榮,2003,二元民主與行政程序:從全球化脈絡論行政程序法的時代機能,收於台灣行政法學會主編,行政程序法之檢討、傳播行政之爭訟,PP.29-61,元照。(專書論文) |
葉俊榮,2003,獨立機關的制度重建,收於邁向「小而能」的政府:「彈性精簡的行政組織」相關決議暨政策報告集,PP.191-220。 (專書論文) |
葉俊榮、張文貞,2003,司法積極主義:論行政法院改制之後對於違法行政命令審查的積極趨勢,收於葛克昌、林明鏘主編,行政法實務與理論(一),PP.39-76,元照。(專書論文) |
葉俊榮、張文貞,2002,轉型法院與法治主義:論行政法院對違法行政命令審查的積極趨勢,人文社會科學集刊,第14卷第4期,頁515-559。(TSSCI) |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2002, Constitutional Reform and Democratization in Taiwan: 1945-2000, in Peter Chow ed.., Taiwan’s Modernization in Global Perspective, P.47-77, Praeger Publishers, Westport, USA. (reviewed book chapter) |
葉俊榮,2002,全球化與在地化:政府改造的縱深思考,律師雜誌,第279期,頁15-19。 |
葉俊榮,2002,行政院組織改造的目標、原則及推動機制,國家政策季刊,第1期,頁1-22。 |
葉俊榮,2002,從「轉型法院」到「常態法院」:大法官釋字四九九號與二六一號解釋解釋風格與轉型脈絡,臺大法學論叢,第31卷第2期,頁1-24。(TSSCI) |
葉俊榮,2002,憲政的上升或沈淪,六度修憲的定位與走向,政大法學評論,第69期,頁29-80。(TSSCI) |
葉俊榮,2002 ,法統的迷思:民主代表性的操控與重構,收於收於當代公法新論:翁岳生教授七秩壽誕論文集,PP.439-456。 (專書論文) |
葉俊榮,2002,土壤及地下水污染整治法之衝擊、影響及因應,收於新世紀經濟法制之建構與挑戰,廖義男教授六秩誕辰祝壽論文集,PP. 563-594 。(專書論文) |
葉俊榮,2002,超越轉型:台灣的憲法變遷,收於李鴻禧主編,台灣憲法之縱剖橫切,PP.71-102,元照。(專書論文) |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2002, Sustainable Development Indicators for Island Taiwan, in Sustainable Development for Island Societies: Taiwan and the World, Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, Chao-Han Liu, and Huei-Min Tsai eds., PP. 339-352, APARP & SARCS. (reviewed book chapter) |
葉俊榮,2001,台灣的轉型憲政主義:政黨輪體與全民政府的詮釋,收於明居正,高朗主編,憲政體制與政黨政治的新走向, PP.27-52 。(專書論文) |
葉俊榮,2001,生物科技法律人才與研究議題取向,生物科技與法律研究通訊,第9期,頁32-38。 |
葉俊榮,2000,論核四所引發的憲法爭議,月旦法學雜誌,第67期,頁50-57。 |
葉俊榮,2000,電子化政府,新民主及行政程序,收於行政法爭議問題之研究,台灣行政法學會主編,五南,PP.625-649。 (專書論文) |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2000, Constitutional Changes, Constitutionalism and Rule of Law in Taiwan: The Role of Council of Grand Justices, in Conference Prague 1999: Transitional Societeis in Comparison: East Central Europe vs. Taiwan, PP.19-36, National Science Council, Taipei, Bonn Office ed. Peter Lang, Gmph.(專書論文) |
葉俊榮,2000,修憲程序:建立任務型國代後所帶動的變革,《月旦法學雜誌》,第61期,頁34-39。 |
葉俊榮,1999,公民投票在台灣的實踐,收於陳隆志主編,公民投票與台灣前途,新世紀智庫叢書,PP. 125-147。 (專書論文) |
葉俊榮,1999,學術標準的建立與司法審查的功能:釋字第四六二號解釋對大專教師升等程序的基本設定及其難題,台灣本土法學雜誌,第3期,頁106-111。 |
葉俊榮、郭銘松,1999,行政程序法對行政機關的衝擊與因應,經社法制論叢,第24期,頁1-41。 |
葉俊榮,1999,從「新國會」觀點論國會改革,新世紀智庫論壇,第6期,頁28-42。 |
葉俊榮,1999,法律學門成就評估與發展,科學發展月刊,第27卷6期,頁607-613。 |
葉俊榮,1999,行政程序法的代理人觀點,全國律師,第3卷第4期,頁33-37。 |
葉俊榮,1999,公民投票入憲的範圍與必要性,國策專刊,第8期,頁12-14。 |
葉俊榮,1999,從國家發展與憲法變遷論大法官的釋憲機能:一九四九年至一九九八年,臺大法學論叢,第28卷第2期,頁1-63。(TSSCI) |
葉俊榮,1999,政府再造與制度興革:以環境影響評估為例,經社法制論叢,第23期,頁1-29。 |
葉俊榮、法治斌、趙宴玲、陳素芬,1998,臺灣法學期刊評比,臺大法學論叢,第28卷第1期,頁259-295。(TSSCI) |
葉俊榮,1998,邁向電子化政府:資訊公開與行政程序的挑戰,經社法制論叢,第22期,頁1-35。 |
葉俊榮,1998,土壤污染與土地利用:從土壤污染防治法草案談起,律師雜誌,第225期,頁39-49。 |
葉俊榮,1998,探尋臺灣憲改的模式:從九七憲改談起,新世紀智庫論壇,第1期,頁48-58。 |
葉俊榮,1998,九七憲改與臺灣憲法變遷模式,臺大法學論叢,第27卷第2期,頁7-47。(TSSCI) |
葉俊榮,1997,政府政策進行環境影響評估的制度設計,臺灣經濟預測與政策,第28卷第1期,頁221-247。(TSSCI) |
葉俊榮,1997,憲法對環境行政程序的制約,經社法制論叢,第十二期,PP.1-24。 |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 1997, The Cult of Fatung: Representational Manipulation and Reconstruction in Taiwan, in The People’s Representatives: Electoral Systems in the Asia-Pacific Region (Graham Hassall & Cheryl Saunders eds.), PP.23-37. (專書論文) |
Jiunn-rong Yeh (with Jau-Yuan Hwang), 1997, Taiwan, Asia-Pacific Constitutional Yearbook, PP. 279-314.(專書論文) |
葉俊榮,1997,消散中的憲法時刻,收於現代國家與憲法,李鴻禧教授六秩華誕祝壽論文集,PP.237-292。 (專書論文) |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 1996, Institutional Capacity-building Towards Sustainable Development: Taiwan’s Environmental Protection in the Climate of Economic Development and Political Liberalization, 6(2) Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law, pp. 229-272. |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 1996, Country Report, Taiwan, Yearbook of International Environmental Law, Vol.6, 1995, Oxford University Press., pp. 498-500. |
葉俊榮,1996,行政程序法草案立法取向之評估,立法院院聞,第24卷第11期,頁85-94。 |
葉俊榮,1996,司法判決的量化研究:行政法院環保判決的量化分析,臺大法學論叢,第26卷第1期,頁27-77。(TSSCI) |
葉俊榮,1996,司法院大法官附期限憲法解釋的分析,行政院國家科學委員會研究彙刊:人文及社會科學,第6卷第1期,頁1-23。(TSSCI) |
葉俊榮,1995,國家責任的溢流:國家賠償法施行現況的檢討,臺大法學論叢,第24卷第2期,頁123-147。(TSSCI) |
葉俊榮,1995, 美國最高法院與正當法律程序:雙階結構與利益衡量理論的演變與檢討,收於焦興鎧主編,美國最高法院重要判例之研究:一九九O-一九九二,中央研究院歐美研究所,PP.59-104 。(專書論文) |
葉俊榮,1995,集水區保護與開發的衝突與調和,收於水的開發、衝突與調和,時報文教基金會叢書,PP.267-334。(專書論文) |
葉俊榮,1994,環境保護與經濟發展的調和:環境保護協議書的形成與發展,收於環境保護與產業政策,臺灣研究基金會策劃,前衛出版社,PP.597-645 。(專書論文) |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 1994, Country Report, Taiwan, Yearbook of International Environmental Law, Vol.4, 1993, Oxford University Press, pp.444-448. |
Lester Ross, Michell Silk and Jiunn-rong Yeh, 1994, The Environmental Dimension of Trade and Investment in Taiwan, in Michell Silk ed., Taiwan Trade and Investment Law. (專書論文) |
葉俊榮,1994,從斯德哥爾摩人類宣言到里約宣言:臺灣面臨全球環境議題的挑戰與因應系列(五),律師通訊,第176期,頁66-72。 |
葉俊榮,1994,有害廢棄物的跨國境運送與凡爾賽公約:臺灣面臨全球環境議題的挑戰與因應系列(四),律師通訊,第175期,頁53-58。 |
葉俊榮,1994,蒙特婁議定書與地球臭氧層的保護:臺灣面臨全球環境議題的挑戰與因應系列(三),律師通訊,第174期,頁56-62。 |
葉俊榮,1994,氣候變化綱要公約與全球合作抑制溫室效應的擴大:臺灣面臨全球環境議題的挑戰與因應系列(二),律師通訊,第173期,頁64-70。 |
葉俊榮,1994,商品製作人的「後消費責任」:契約與行政管制的選擇與調和,經社法制論叢,第13期,頁1-13。 |
葉俊榮,1994,華盛頓公約與瀕臨絕種動植物的保護:臺灣面臨全球環境議題的挑戰與因應系列(一),律師通訊,第172期,頁76-82。 |
葉俊榮,1993,臺灣海岸的法規範基礎與決策模式,工程環境會刊,第13期,頁105-135。 |
葉俊榮,1993,憲法對環境行政的程序制約,經社法制論叢,第12期,頁1-24。 |
葉俊榮,1993,環境影響評估的公共參與:法規範的要求與現實的考量,經社法制論叢,第11期,頁17-42。 |
葉俊榮,1993,大量環境立法:我國環境立法的模式、難題及因應方向,臺大法學論叢,第22卷第1期,頁105-147。(TSSCI) |
葉俊榮,1993,轉型社會的程序立法:我國行政程序的立法設計與立法影響評估,收於當代公法理論:翁岳生教授六秩壽誕論文集,PP.363-428 。(專書論文) |
葉俊榮,謝啟瑞,1993,行政補償制度運用到醫療傷害的可行性,收於陳隆基編著,台灣醫療糾紛的現況與處理,健康世界雜誌社,PP.171-283。(專書論文) |
葉俊榮、張文貞,1992,環境行政上的協商:我國採行美國「協商式規則訂定」之可行性,經社法制論叢,第10期,頁83-116。 |
葉俊榮,1992,我國公害糾紛事件的性質與結構分析:1988-1990,經社法制論叢,第9期,頁67-97。 |
葉俊榮,1992,不再做「環境」孤兒:蒙特婁議定書的衝擊與因應,環保與經濟,第42期,頁44-51。 |
葉俊榮,1992,環境議題躍登國際主流,環保與經濟,第39期,頁60-63。 |
葉俊榮,1992,環保乾坤大挪移:談環境議題大幅擴張,環保與經濟,第37期,頁56-61。 |
葉俊榮,1992,以管制協商推動資源回收政策,環保與經濟,第37期,頁68-71。 |
葉俊榮,1992,環境議題「入憲」論,環保與經濟,第32期,頁56-59。 |
葉俊榮,1992,期待「法律與政策」取向環保團體的出現,環保與經濟,第31期,頁36-41。 |
葉俊榮,1992,出賣環境權:從五輕設廠的十五億「回饋基金」談起,行政院國家科學委員會研究彙刊:人文及社會科學,第2卷第1期,頁17-34。(TSSCI) |
葉俊榮,1991,論環境政策上的經濟誘因:理論依據,臺大法學論叢,第20卷第1期,頁87-111。(TSSCI) |
葉俊榮,1991,環境問題的制度因應:刑罰與其他因應措施的比較與選擇,臺大法學論叢,第20卷第2期,頁87-114。(TSSCI) |
葉俊榮,1991,勞工職業災害補償制度的檢討與改進:行政管制與損害賠償的聯結,臺大社會科學論叢,第39輯,頁17-35。(TSSCI) |
葉俊榮,1991,動員戡亂時期人民團體法的常態化,收於戡亂終止後法治重整與法治展望論文集,中國比較法學會編,PP.199-214 。(專書論文) |
葉俊榮,1991,設刑責、加罰金:評析通過的「水污染防治法」,環保與經濟,第23期,頁50-56。 |
葉俊榮,1991,環境立法的整合:因應跨媒體環境的問題,環保與經濟,第21期,頁26-29。 |
葉俊榮,1991,從方案到法律:環境影響評估制度的過去與未來,環保與經濟,第18期,頁10-12。 |
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 1990, Changing Forces of Constitutional and Regulatory Reform in Taiwan, 4(1) Journal of Chinese Law, pp.83-100. |
葉俊榮,1990,我國環境立法的分析與檢討:制度因應的程序與實質,現代學術研究,國家發展與臺灣化,專刊3 ,PP.128-154 |
葉俊榮,1990,環保署的機關文化:科學與政治夾縫中的法律,環保與經濟,第15期,頁40-42。 |
葉俊榮,1990,美國動物實驗的管制立法及其憲法爭議,美國月刊,第5卷第2期,頁118-124。 |
葉俊榮,1990,科技決策的「統」、「獨」之爭:美國「科學法院」的倡議,美國月刊,第五卷第八期,頁106-112。 |
葉俊榮,1990,憲法位階的環境權:從擁有環境到參與環境決策,台大法學論叢,第十九卷第一期,PP.129-153. (TSSCI) |
葉俊榮,1989,環保自力救濟的制度因應:「解決糾紛」或「強化參與」,臺大法學論叢,第19卷第2期,頁91-110。(TSSCI) |
葉俊榮,1990,根本解決公害糾紛:從十條件五原則談業者應有的環保認知,環保與經濟,第17期,頁66。 |
葉俊榮,1989,環境法上的「期限」:行政法院林園判決的微觀與巨視,法學叢刊,第三十四卷第四期,PP.126-137. |
葉俊榮,1989,民眾執行法律:論我國引進美國環境法上的公民訴訟制度之可行性,經社法制論叢,第四期,PP.67-93. |
葉俊榮,1989,美國憲法變遷的軌跡:司法解釋與憲法修正的兩難,美國月刊,第3卷第9期,頁75-83。 |
葉俊榮,1988,告知後同意:農藥輸出政策的分析與檢討,臺大法學論叢,第18卷第1期,頁277-304。(TSSCI) |
葉俊榮,1987,論裁量瑕疵及其訴訟上的問題,憲政時代,第13卷第2期,頁47-82。 |
葉俊榮,1986,論行政裁量的司法審查與程序上的要求,憲政時代,第11卷第4期,頁70-81。 |
葉俊榮,1986,論比例原則與行政裁量,憲政時代,第11卷第3期,頁79-94。 |
Books and Edited Books
Jiunn-rong Yeh, ed., 2017.01, CLIMATE CHANGE LIABILITY AND BEYOND, Taipei: National Taiwan University Press.
Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2016, Constitution of Taiwan: A Contextual Analysis, Hart Publishing
Jiunn-rong Yeh & Wen-Chen Chang eds., 2015,Asian Courts in Context, Cambridge University Press
Jiunn-rong Yeh, ed., 2015, The Functional Transformation of Courts: Taiwan and Korea in Comparison,V&R Academic and National Taiwan University Press.
Wen-Chen Chang, Li-ann Thio, Kevin YL Tan, and Jiunn-rong Yeh, 2013, Constitutionalism in Asia: Cases and Materials, Hart Publishing
葉俊榮,張文貞主編,2008,新興民主的憲政改造,東亞法治與人權叢書(五),元照: 台北
Cho-han Liu, Jiunn-rong Yeh, and Chung-huanf Huang ed., 2002,New Challenges for Sustainable Development in Millennia, UN NGO Policy Series No. 3, Chung-hua Institution for Economic Reaearch.
Research Projects
科技部案件 區域憲政主義:亞洲聚焦 2019.01.01-2021.12.31
科技部案件 不完美憲政主義的東亞觀點:調適與療癒的抉擇 2013.08.01-2014.07.31
科技部案件 氣候變遷的立法建制-氣候變遷立法的調適面向 2013.08.01-2014.07.31
科技部案件 氣候變遷的治理模式(III) 2012.08.01-2103.07.31
科技部案件 氣候變遷下的永續環境治理:法律與政策的因應模式-氣候變遷的治理模式 2012.08.01-2013.07.31
科技部案件 氣候變遷的治理模式(II) 2011.08.01-2012.07.31
教育部案件 (總計畫) 東亞法院與法律繼受 2011.08.01-2016.07.31
教育部案件 (子計畫) 東亞憲法法院角色的演變與社會對話 2011.08.01-2016.07.31
科技部案件 氣候變遷的治理模式(I) 2010.08.01-2011.12.31
科技部案件 分裂社會與憲政主義:台灣經驗的理論建構 2010.08.01-2013.07.31
科技部案件 憲法解釋的總體實證分析 2007.08.01-2008.07.31
科技部案件 全球化憲法秩序下的人流管制 2006.08.01-2007.07.31
科技部案件 全球化的法律秩序 2005.08.01-2006.07.31
科技部案件 憲法變遷的機制與程序 2004.08.01-2004.07.31
科技部案件 全球化時代的政府改造:台灣的議題與觀點 2003.08.01-2004.07.31
科技部案件 區域整合與亞洲憲政主義:台灣面對亞洲整合的憲法議題 2002.08.01-2003.07.31
科技部案件 (總計畫) 建構基因科技的制度典範:整合的制度條件、動態的決策機制、與論辯的規範基礎 2002.05.01-2003.10.31
科技部案件 (子計畫) 建構基因科技的制度典範:從基因資訊與基因市場的面向來分析 2002.05.01-2003.10.31
科技部案件 (子計畫三) 永續臺灣的評量系統(IV) 2001.08.01-2002.10.31
科技部案件 跨國憲政主義:台灣面對區域整合與全球化的憲法議題 2001.08.01-2002.07.31
Awards and Visiting Professorship
National Taiwan University Chair Professor (2013-)
Professorial Fellow, Melbourne University Law School (2013-)
Distinguished Professor, National Taiwan University (2006-)
Excellence of Research Award, National Science Council, 1997
National Taiwan University Excellence in Teaching Award (2010)
National Taiwan University Excellence in Teaching Award (2009)
Visiting Professor, Masters Program, Melbourne Law School (2011)
Visiting Professor of Law, Harvard Law School (Winter, 2004)
Distinguished Visiting Faculty, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto( Fall 2000)
Visiting Professor, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University (Fall 1999)
Visiting Scholar, Fulbright Fellow, Duke Law School (1995~1996)
Visiting Professor, Institute of Transnational Law, Hong Kong University and Duke University (Summer 1995, 2009)